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Proofing African Grey Parrots Houses

House proofing for a grey. They are very curious. Mine is fearless (except of new toys). Number one threat is open doors or windows, you must ALWAYS be vigilant for an escape. A window screen won’t hold up to their beak. Making sure you know where your bird is when you leave or come in is very important. Guests and other housemates must be vigilant. They can fly out the door in a nanosecond. The stories of lost birds is heartbreaking. Dartman and another young man on here lost their birds and they are exceptional and expert bird owners, so it can happen, always minimize the risks.
-Make sure cords are out of reach, especially near cages

  • Make sure light fixtures are out of reach. I have to make sure Louise’s cage isn’t too far forward or she can reach the pendant lights, and she will swing them so they crash into each other.
  • Watch what is on the floor. They are foragers. Louise will de-sole my shoes if they are within beak’s reach.
  • Other animals, especially cats, pose a threat. I have read that just saliva from a cat can be fatal. My schnauzers are afraid of her, but she feeds them so they hang around her cage. I put my desk near the cage so I can always supervise. I know my dogs wouldn’t hurt her but I am not willing to take that risk as a predator instinct can kick in anytime. And if she is on the lower part of the cage, they must get away from the cage. I don’t know how folks with snakes/esp constrictors, co-exist with birds. That just seems super dangerous.
    -Stoves and hot food. Birdie feet can quickly get burned from hot stoves, whether by landing on them or deciding it is a good place to perch. I love Louise, but she is a flying rat–always wants to taste, see, and be near food, (no offense intended for those who keep rats, I may be misinformed but it sounded like a good analogy in my head). Also, especially with a baby bird, food that is too hot can burn their crop. They will dig into food that is offered, so if it is too hot, it is a risk. I always double check food temperature if she is getting something like warm vegetables or mashed potatoes.
    -Other birds. Birds don’t always get along. Greys are known to only flock with other greys. Supervise carefully when other birds are present and make sure, very sure, they are disease free
    -the floor. They are very quiet when walking around and difficult to see. Easy to step on. I have read other stories where birds got sat on or otherwise crushed in furniture.
    -wood trim. they are chewers. wood trim on windows and doors is apparently very tasty.
    -language. you can try and try to teach them a word and they won’t. Swear one time in front of them, and bingo, you have a swearing bird. I tried like heck to make sure Louise didn’t say pretty bird. Her favorite person ONE TIME said pretty bird and it is one of her favorite phrases.
    -Ceiling fans. If they fly into an on ceiling fan, I don’t know how they would survive.
    -overall cleanliness. cages should be kept clean and have regular deep cleaning. Today is deep cleaning day and I dread it, but I do it. I also keep floors, counters…. clean. She lands everywhere, cleanliness is important for her and for the rest of the household. Birds are known for their poo and they don’t wash their feet.
    -showers and bird baths, watch the temperature. Not too hot or too cold.
    -things they shouldn’t eat. Onions, garlic, chocolate, dairy… the list goes on. Good to google or others can chime in. Too much fatty food can cause fatty liver disease.
    -household temperature. Should be kept warm and draft free.
    -Teflon cookware. Teflon fumes are fatal. Found most often in cooking pans. Also found in some ovens, toaster ovens, bags for cooking turkey (recent sad stories posted here around Thanksgiving), and in microwave popcorn bags. I bought all new cookware and I hate it, but it is bird safe. Ceramic pans are easy to clean and safe.
    -general position of cage. Louise is near a sliding glass door. I had to draft proof it/really caulk from the outside. The other concern is birds, she likes to watch the other small birds and will imitate them. I don’t have hawks or crows near but have heard how they can terrorize a bird even if they cannot get access.
    -Being outside. Flight risk even if their wings are clipped, they just need the right wind and they are gone. Also they will be hunted by hawks and crows. horrifying videos on you tube.
    -Being in a social area. They don’t do well unless they are around other beings. Locked in a room alone will lead to poor health and feather plucking. When I am gone, I leave music or tv on.

Having a bird is great adventure, but a huge and long responsibility. Greys can live over 60 years and Louise will easily outlive me. Everyday is a training day for her next home because she will outlive me. Other folks run into trouble with life changes, marriage, divorce, having children, losing jobs, losing their home. Some places won’t allow birds because of their noise, so finding a new place to live can be challenging.
Post pictures as you get them of your new bird, we love pictures here!
Good luck. Lots of knowledgeable folks on here, keep asking questions.


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